Dienstag, 13. Juli 2010

2014 aber... :))


"After WM-Post"



(The world-cup is over. It was a colourful and very special tournament. When it began I pretty damned the Vuvuzehlas. During the time I got used to them. I think they gave a special note to this world-cup and also showed one of the typicals of Africa.

It was a very surprising tournament... Many of the favourites had to leave in the first round and our own very young German team is now called "The Beatles of Football" ...hehe.. ;)

The world-cup also showed how much people thirst for sharing (positive) emotional experiences...! The power of common feelings... wow! It was amazing!


Congratulations to the Winner which is Espania... Spain (La Roja... -El color rojo de la flor es para ti) !!

Thank you "Deutsche Elf" for your fantastic matches, a brilliant third place ... -and thank you ... South-Africa for this beautiful presentation!)
